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Kyiv University was established by order of Emperor Nicholas I November 2, 1833 as Kyiv Imperial University of St. Vladimir. This was the second university in the Russian Ukraine after Kharkov Imperial University. The initial goal, which was treated before the Kiev University was fighting polishphyles Kyiv's intelligentsia, which was hostile to the government during the Polish uprising of 1830-1831 years. An appeal to the name of Prince Vladimir symbolized just this activity.
July 27, 1834 Kyiv University received the first 62 students. Originally operated only one philosophical faculty with two departments - History and Philology, physical and mathematical. 1835 Law School opened and in 1847 - Medical. Philosophy subsequently divided into two independent departments. With such a structure of the University he worked until 1917.
Before the October Revolution taught at the University of famous scientists: mathematicians B. Delaunay, D. Grave, M.A. and A.A. Dyachenko, B.J. Bukreev (from 1889 to 1962), Physics, J.J. Kosonohov, M. Avenarius, astronomer R. Vogel, zoologists A.A. Kovalevsky, A. Syevertsov, O. Korotnyev, historians and philosophers M.O. Maksimovich (first rector) M.I. Kostomarov , M.V. Dovnar.-Zapolsky, V.S. Ikonnikov, M.P. Dragomanov, I.V. Luchyntskyy, A. Kulakovska, M.P. Dashkevich writer, a philologist V. Peretz, lawyers O. F. Kistyakivskyy, G.I. Eysman, economists M.I. Sieber (one of the first promoters of Marxism in Russia), S. J. Bogorodskaya, M. H. Bunge, I. Vernadsky (father of the first president of USSR - NASU, Academician Vernadsky), chemists S.M. Reformed, M.A. Bunge, mechanic G.K. Suslov, geologist M. Andrus, medical scientists V. Betz, N.A. Hrzhonschevskyy, M.V. Sklifosovsky, H. Minh, V.V. Pidvysotsk, J. K. Szymanowski, VK Vysokovich, V.A. Loaf, V.P. Obraztsov, N.N. Volkovych, Architect V.I. Beretty and others. |