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news from Ukraine rest & spa in Ukraine

CarpatiaWelcome to UKRAINE
By its territory, Ukraine is one of the largest countries in South-East Europe. Its overall area is 603.7 ths sq. km, its extension from the West to East - 1300 kilometers, from the North to South - 900 kilometers. In the South Ukraine is washed by waters of the Black and Azov Seas; intensive contacts with foreign countries are effected through ports of these seas. A gateway to Danube provides communication with 7 countries of Western Europe. Developed railway, automobile and aviation networks connect the country almost with all the corners of the earth. Ukraine is bounded on the east by Russia, on the north by Byeloruss, on the west by Poland and Slovakia, on the south-east by Hungary, Romania and Moldova. read more

ãîðà ØèïîòTalk, that Zakarpattya is a land of legends, healthful water and unique nature. And yet hospitable people live here, which support "visiting card" the land as tourist pearl of Ukraine. Who arrives on rest to Carpathians can in winter go out in Volovez to alpine skis, in Svalyava - to get to the sanatoriums which took a place along the Luga river (they are "Sonyachne Zakarpattya", "Kvitka poloniny") or in Mukachevo - from it's possible to reach Khust (from Khust 17 km away there are Shayany),Vinogradiv (alongside sanatorium "Tepliza") or to Beregovo with his termal spring. read more




History of Ukraine History of Kyiv

April, 23 - April 23, 1185: Campaign of Prince of Kyiv Igor against polovtsi
April, 24 - April 24, 1938: Introduction of the Russian language as obligatory in all the schools of Ukraine
April, 25 - April, 25, 1945: The last hetman of Ukraine Pavlo Skoropads'kyj died
April, 26 - April 26, 1986: Explosion of the nuclear reactor at Chornobyl' atomic power-plant which became the beginning of the biggest ecological disaster of the XX th century
April, 27 - April, 1915: Battles of Ukrainian Sichovi Stril'tsi on Makivka hill
April, 28 - April 28, 1943: Formation of the division SS «Halychyna» was proclaimed in Lviv
April, 29 - April 29, 1918: Adoption of the Constitution of the Ukrainian People's Republic which legally strengthened independence of Ukraine

odl KyivKyiv… Ancient Capital of Kyiv Rus' land. For a millennium and a half it has stood is fast on steep hills over the gray Slavutich-Dnieper. When the day breaks and morning mist floats over the river, the city has the air of an old and wais fairy-tale hero.
Poets and essayist like to refer to Kyiv as to “the city ever young,” and it is true, for day after day, its architectural style transformed by its modern blocks of flats, newly-built avenues and residential districts. In spite of this facts, Kyiv preserves its historical significance and the air of mystery characteristics of an ancient city.
The ancient chroniclers called Kyiv “the mother of the cities of Rus.” Having subordinated numerous tribes, Kyiv became the centre of Kievan Rus, the first state of the Eastern Slavs – which later gave off springs – Ukraine, Russia and Belaru...»

family roots services Archives of Ukraine

family-treeSearch your relatives from CIS countries
You or your relatives have lived previously in the Soviet Union?
- If you now have a permanent residence in other countries, your documents are archived in the CIS countries, Etar-Search available to help you in the archive search.
- If your relatives are buried in the Ukraine, and you do not know in what condition their graves
Etar-Search ready to help you with this.
- If you need to get the necessary archival documents, certificates for pensions, legalizing your status in your country of residence
Etar-Search ready to help you with this.
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archivesThe state archives of Ukraine preserve more than 56,5 million items of various NAF documents: managerial, personal, scientific, technical etc. on paper basis; cinema-, photo-, phono-, video documents and the others. The state archives also supervise 42286 archival departments of the central and local governments, various institutions, public organisations selecting the most valuable documents for permanent keeping.
The National Archival Fond of Ukraine has an immense cultural and information capacity; it is one of the most significant components of public information resources, the concentrated Memory of the state and the nation within eight centuries of written history (the most ancient documents in the state archives of Ukraine are dated by the XII-XIII centuries); it is about 1000 km of archival shelves!read more

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